quotes i like

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"the limits of my language are the limits of my world."

  • ludwig wittgenstein

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«algún día recordaremos, recordaremos», se decía con la seguridad de que el origen de la fiesta, como todos los gestos del hombre, existía intacto en el tiempo y que bastaba un esfuerzo, un querer ver, para leer en el tiempo la historia del tiempo.

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"all of us believed fanatically that an airplane that looked beautiful would fly the same way."

  • ben rich, skunk works

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god knows life is chaos, but he made one thing true:

you gotta unwind your mind, train your soul to align,

and dance 'til you find that divine boogaloo.

  • jim, phantom regret

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"a crowd exists as long as it has an unattained goal."

  • elias canetti

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"my pencil and I are more clever than I."

  • albert einstein

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"simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

  • leonardo da vinci

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"the idea becomes a machine that makes the art"

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"high-level sciences enable us to understand emergent phenomena, of which the most important are, life, thought and computation."

  • david deutsch

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steal all the clocks and watches

in the world.

destroy them.

  • yoko ono, clock piece

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we look at the world once, in childhood.

the rest is memory.

  • louise glück, nosotros, meadowlands

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"in the end, stories are about one person saying to another: this is the way it feels to me. can you understand what i'm saying? does it feel this way to you too?"

  • kazuo ishiguro, nobel acceptance speech

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"everything, everywhere, is always moving, forever. get used to it."

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note mentions