works under writing are original, my notes a mix of thoughts with quotes from the artwork subject of the note. about · contact
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writing keeps ideas in space
speech lets them travel in time
we use paintings to decorate space
and music to decorate time
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find the way by moonlight
see the dawn before
the rest of the world
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unconscious time, no peace of mind,
falling in space but still alive.
sketching the future in a single line,
everything's spinning, cannot sit down.
moments in space, places in time,
thoughts penciled in, now come to life.
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As of today, no one knows how to translate paintings, flowers or music into language. Their beauty is implicit and exclusive to their form, which is why it's so hard to explain how a particular piece of art makes us feel.
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this is a collection of notes that i've written over time, mostly for myself. in the spirit of working with garage doors open, i've published them and open sourced this website.
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George Boole (1815-1864) is often considered a mathematician but he saw himself as a philosopher. He wanted to represent Aristotle's logic with formulas, like Descartes had done with Euclides's ideas.
Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
Turing's 1936 paper "On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem" was a response to Hilbert's decision problem, which asked if there's an algorithm capable of determining if any arbitrary mathematical statement is true or false.
The significance of Turing's paper lies not in its answer but in the blueprint for computer design Turing provided along the way.
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As of today, no one knows how to translate paintings, flowers or music into language. Their beauty is implicit and exclusive to their form, which is why it's so hard to explain how a particular piece of art makes us feel.
notes on david deutsch's (fascinating) the beginning of infinity (2011), about infinity & universality, memetics and philosophy of science.
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curiosity: thinking existing explanations don't fully capture the ideas behind them, being unsatisfied with current stories.
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creativity: ability to create and replicate ideas to increase the amount of usable knowledge.
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ideas: information that can be stored in human brains and affects behaviour.
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culture: set of ideas that cause holders to behave alike.
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some aspects of nature (night sky, waterfalls, sunsets) seem to be beautiful to humans but show no signs of being designed with this intention. However, flowers do seem to have an apparent design for beauty.
humans recognizing that flowers are beautiful even though they evolved this way for unrelated purposes is evidence that some beauty is objective: it can be found in all places from the flower's genome to human minds.
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enlightenment: 1688 (English Enlightenment), inconceivable a century earlier.
static societies: people could expect to die under the same values, lifestyles, technology and patterns of economic production.
humans alone are authors of explanatory knowledge, the human behaviour called history.
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nature of science can be understood with theories=misconceptions
scientific method: increasingly difficult to ignore philosophical implications of the fact that nature had been understood in unprecedented depth, and of the methods of science and reason by which it was done.
evolution: optimizes neither good of species or individual, but the relative ability of surviving variants to spread through population. it favours only genes that spread best.
genetic code as language for organisms has shown phenomenal reach.
evolution of biological adaptations and creation of human knowledge are similar (ideas and genes are replicators, knowledge and adaptation hard to vary) yet distinct (human knowledge as explanatory and with reach, contrary to adaptations.)
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quantum physics
quantum theory discovered independently by Heisenberg and Schrödinger between 1935 and 1927.
issue: not consistent when applied to the case of an observer performing quantum measurements on another observer.
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computational universality should have happened with Babbage's Difference Engine (1820s), which had rules of arithmetic built into hardware to to automate log, cos, sin (used in navigation and engineering).
193# electrical relays for the analytical engine were just being used for the first applications of electromagnetism and were about to be mass produced for the telegraphy revolution.
Turing Test: The general-purpose sense of Intelligence that Turing meant (constellation of attributes of the human mind) puzzled philosophers for a millennia. (others are consciousness, free will and meaning).
Quantum computation: Computation in which the flow of information is not confined to a single history.
stiegler agrees with derrida's critique of the opposition of the signifier and the signified, which proposes that language is always already writing, and in order for language to be written, it must already be a writing, a system of traces, a grammatic of discrete elements.
image mental ∄ → image mental ≔ image object
director/editor's job is to hide the discontinuity by playing with it (analysis), continuity then comes from spectatorial synthesis (done by good artists)
discretization opens new artistic, theoretical and scientific knowledges of the image.
now there's two syntheses (spectator + camera): evolution of technical synthesis → evolution of spectatorial synthesis.
Words break if you push them too hard.
This changed particularly with Aristotle. There started to be a lot more analysis. Platón and Aristotle might have been influenced by progress in math after mathematicians showed that analysis led to more conclusive results than making up stories. Aristotle is credited to a huge percentage of newly discovered territory in one lifetime, proving how new this kind of thinking was.
His mistake was to confuse motive and result. People who seek a deep understanding of a subject are often driven by curiosity rather than need, but that ⇏ that their findings are useless. It is very valuable in practice to have deep understanding of what you're doing. Being able to solve complex mathematical problems by deducing shortcuts from simpler one is better than relying on formulas you don't understand.
This makes theoretical knowledge prestigious and is the root of specific curiousness in smart people. Aristotle had contradictory aims with Metaphysics: exploring abstract ideas guided by the assumption that they were useless.
Platon and Aristotle were impressive and naive. Ancient philosophers were similarly naive. In particular, they didn't understand that concepts we use in everyday life are fragile. "I" is an example of this (you = bunch of cells). Words work well enough in everyday life, but they start to break if you push them too hard. This resulted in most philosophical debates being driven by confusion over words. Do you have free will? Define "free."
When something is hard to understand, it's hard to distinguish if it's because the writer was unclear in his mind or because the ideas represented are too complex, and writing about big ideas in an unclear way only produces what seems to be good writing.
Proof is how little effect some words can have: no one is a different person or does anything different as a result of reading Aristotle's Metaphysics.
Since their work became the map of future generations, they were off the wrong path too and things remained the same for ≈2000 years until philosophers in Europe became confident enough to (sometimes) treat Aristotle's work as a catalog of mistakes.
Perhaps truly pursuing Aristotle's original goal of discovering the most general truths, is still worth pursuing today. But unlike in Metaphysics, we should do it because general truths are useful.
Civilization always seems old, because it's always the oldest it's ever been.
Conceptual art is good only when the idea is good.
conceptual art: idea or concept as the most important aspect of the work.
the idea becomes a machine that makes the art.
The form itself is of very limited importance; it becomes the grammar for the total work. arrangement becomes the end while the form becomes the means.
Space can be thought of as the area occupied by volume, where the question would be what size is best. If artwork is gigantic its size alone would be impressive and the idea may be lost. if it's too small, it may become inconsequential.